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First Certified REDD+ 

Project in Argentina

Selva de Urundel is the first REDD+ project certified in Argentina (Verra ID 3739).

Strategically located, the project represents an initial step in creating a valuable biological corridor between Calilegua and Baritú National Parks. Covering an area of approximately 50,000 hectares, the project plays a crucial role in preserving native forests, protecting numerous vulnerable species from illegal activities and forest fires. Furthermore, Selva de Urundel aims to enhance the quality of life for nearby communities through investments in areas such as community well-being, education, and waste management, among other initiatives. These efforts not only contribute to the prosperity of the local community but also bring benefits to the climate and biodiversity.


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Illustrated Jaguar

"Preserving Nature, One Credit at a Time"

"Preserving Forests, Securing Our Future: REDD+"

Nature and Community 


The REDD+ Selva de Urundel project aims to protect approximately 50,000 hectares of forest in the Yungas region in northern Argentina.

The Yungas are mountain forests of great importance due to their extraordinary biodiversity and the high-value ecosystem goods and services they provide, including rainwater capture and storage, as well as watershed regulation.

This region, which has reported an alarming deforestation rate in recent years, is now threatened by the constant expansion of agriculture, illegal logging, and increasingly frequent wildfires.


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the forest

Training and equipment of firefighters, ready to intervene in the event of a fire in the project area



In the Selva de Urundel REDD+  Project, the benefit to the mitigation of climate change is expected due to 9,607,889.8 tCO2eq in the 30 years of the Project.

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Community Benefits

The expected communities’ benefits will be focused on educational issues, with training actions and research support in the property areas.


Biodiversity Benefits

Generate benefits by maintaining and monitoring native forest cover of the Project Area, in parallel with habitats and local biodiversity conservation, including species with some level of threat.

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The beauty of nature.

 Selva Urundel REDD+ Project area is located at the areas with the greatest biological and cultural diversity. It is recognized as one of the most diverse regions from the floristic point of view, and is characterized by a high proportion of endemic species with Laurasic and Gondwanic elements


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"Help Urundel Carbon Credits Preserve Our Natural World!"

Proponent: Carbon Credits Consulting

Developer and Execution: Rodriguez Nocetti SRL

Landowner: Cia. Agric. Ind. Salteña SA

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